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Jonathan Harris and Sepandar Kamvar: We Feel Fine

Click through to Jonathan Harris and Sepandar Kamvar: We Feel Fine:

The website opens its pink graffiti-d heart to you and you embrace. Together, you go searching for feelings, captured in the past few hours. Small coloured dots explode like the Indian Supari, a fresh aniseed mix in your mouth. Roll over and you enter a field of random emotions—"opposed/allowed/cut/okay/circling/united kingdom south yorkshire sheffield /perceived"—moving so quickly they’re hard to pin down. You chase a target, "care", around and click through to a snippet from a blog—"i feel like these young people come in having cut themselves and taken 50 zoloft ‘to see if my boyfriend would care’ are more dangerous to themselves than even some of my horrifically depressed patients (48 minutes ago/from someone)". The blog is from a room with a view: built up urban industrial, terracotta pots, healthy rosemary, a spindly basil not doing so well. You look up from the screen and out your own window at the dead potplants. Commisserate. You find a man upset that his lover thinks he’s fat. A big girl who lets desire control her and who lacks human empathy. A person who doesn’t put things on the page to be nice (so stop being so fucking dramatic). You wonder whether these little offering are like fortune cookies. Do they start to predict your day? A breakdown of the feelings database reveals in a graph that the majority of people feel 'bad' right now, followed closely by 'better' and 'guilty.' Can you make a narrative for yourself from the daisy chain of melancholy now hanging around your neck?

Kirsten Krauth

Visit more information on Harris' fascinating projects.